Buying a home or office. You must hire an interior professional. It’s easy to fill a bearshell space with furniture but interior design is not mere selection of furniture and accessories. There are multiple things to be considered. It must be well organized to keep things cost effective, yet achieve a fabulous look and of course the functionality. As Steve Jobs rightly said “Design is not just what it looks like & feels like, Design is how it Works!”. Design must be created based on each client’s specific daily needs and personality. After all you’ll live with what’s being constructed for the rest of your lifetime or whatever time you want to spend in that place. I have met all kinds of people and I have heard stories of how they have made their homes with a lot of hard work and hard earned money spent. Some are happy, satisfied and want more whereas other not so glad to try things out as they burnt their hands by not making the right choices. There are yet others who have hired local contractors and got things made from them and are unhappy with the outcome. It didn’t come out the way it was supposed to. Well – let me just say it’s not that expensive to hire a professional to make your home at an affordable fee. I understand if you’re not willing to give a Turnkey assignment and feel it’s too expensive. The fee would definitely depend on the work assignment hence I would not comment on the amount of cost of making a house whether on consulting or Turnkey basis. I’ll write a separate post for the same so tune into that next time. This one I’ll stick to why you should hire a professional for your home and offices.
- We understand your requirements from both the cost perspective and functionality view point and simultaneously devise a solution that would meet both needs.
- Since we know the market we can suggest you the latest trends and best solution for your needs. If you have a good budget then we can suggest niche products which would definitely be expensive but exclusive as well. On the contrary we could get you some real sweet deals where cost is your concern. But you got to spend the money either way. How much you would like to put into it should be your debate with yourself so you could start searching in the right places.
- Sequence of tasks is best known to us as to how much time it would roughly take to complete certain tasks so we could plan further actions in order to achieve the final goal.
- We know vendors and handle them well in order to get things in sequence. There are many things that go wrong and projects get delayed due to incorrect or untimely communication. We regularly connect with the vendors in order to make things easier for our customers.
- Timely delivery of projects is of prime importance to an interior professional as he is on either commission basis fee basis or Turnkey basis, either way if the project gets delayed he is losing time and money. So it’s in the designer’s best interest to give timely delivery. It’s very important to mention that as a good customer it becomes your duty to support the interior professional with regard to payments of vendors, craftsmen, or professional fees which are due in a timely manner.
By experience I’ve understood that there are a lot of small yet important tasks which are integral to every project which people miss and face problems later while living in the space bought for home or office purposes. Better planning and execution of any home or office renovation project will ensure a smooth functioning throughout the lifetime you’re going to spend in that place.
Take a wise call and hire an interior professional… call us… now…