As Interior Design and Decor professionals we have seen use of a lot of conventional sanitary articles in homes and offices but lately there are companies who are either importing or manufacturing some cool sanitary articles in India. Let me talk about wash basins. I have used and I have fallen in love with these “Table-Top” basins and I would try to use them in most of my projects simply for the X-Factor they add to the Washrooms.
These are readily available in New Delhi so I would encourage home owners to try these out at your space. If you need expert advise we are here to assist you. Give us a call and we will work on your project to make your bathrooms serene for you…
Exotic is the word I would use to describe my feelings for them… I will be posting pics of my completed sites as and when I find time for it. However Check out the Images and Feel the Awesomeness yourself…